At the Northern California Chapter of the AAPM 2023 Young Investigator Symposium held on May 19 in San Francisco, Dr. Siqi Li tied for first place for his talk “Dynamic PET Image Reconstruction using Single-Subject Deep Kernel Learning” in the postdoc category. Congratulations, Siqi!
2023/05: Dr. Kevin Chung joins the lab
Dr. Kevin Chung joins our lab starting on May 1st, 2023. Dr. Chung received his Ph.D. in Medical Biophysics from the University of Western Ontario, Canada in early 2023. He developed methods and software for low-dose CT perfusion imaging and also has direct experience in PET kinetic modeling. Kevin will work on total-body PET kinetic modeling for FDG blood flow imaging and will be jointly supervised by Dr. Guobao Wang and Dr. Simon Cherry. Welcome Kevin!
2023/04: Fully3D and SNMMI 2023 abstract acceptance
Our lab has multiple abstracts accepted for presentation at the Fully3D 2023 and SNMMI 2023.
One abstract on dynamic PET image reconstruction for Fully3D 2023:
- Siqi Li, Wang GB. Deep kernel representation learning for high-temporal resolution dynamic PET image reconstruction, accepted for oral presentation, Fully3D 2023 Conference, July 16-21, 2023
Three abstracts on total-body PET kinetic modeling for SNMMI 2023:
- Quyen Tran, Lyo V, Matsukuma KE, Corwin MT, Spencer BA, Wang Y, Romeo SR, Medici V, Cherry SR, Badawi RD, Sarkar S, Wang GB. Total-body PET quantification of metabolism in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis using a three-tissue compartment model, SNMMI Annual Meeting 2023, accepted for an oral presentation, June 27, 2023
- Yiran Wang, Abdelhafez YG, Spencer BA, Verma R, Parikh M, Stollenwerk N, Nardo L, Jones T, Badawi RD, Cherry SR, Wang GB. Impact of dual-blood input function on kinetic modeling of lung tumors using total-body PET, SNMMI Annual Meeting 2023, accepted for an oral presentation, June 27, 2023
- Yiran Wang, Spencer BA, Abdelhafez YG, Parikh M, Verma R, Nardo L, Jones T, Badawi RD, Cherry SR, Wang GB. Total-body compartmental visualization using kinetic modeling and the EXPLORER PET/CT system, accepted for a poster presentation at SNMMI Annual Meeting 2023.
2023/03: New graduate student Xiaoyu Duan
Xiaoyu Duan, a graduate student of the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group (BMEGG), joins the lab to work on total-body PET kinetic modeling. She will be jointly supervised by Dr. Guobao Wang and Dr. Ramsey Badawi. Welcome, Xiaoyu!
2022/09: New NIH R01 grant Single-tracer Multiparametric PET
Our lab received a new NIH R01 grant entitled “Single-tracer Multiparametric PET Imaging” from NIBIB. The goal of this project is to develop a parametric PET method to enable the widely accessible radiotracer 18F-FDG for quantitative blood flow imaging. Thanks to all the collaborators!
2022/08: Yiran and Quyen won “Best Abstract” awards in Radiology Research Symposium
In the 2022 UC Davis Radiology Research Symposium, Yiran received the “Best Abstract by a Graduate Student” for his work “Multi-organ metabolic changes in COVID-19 recovery measured with total-body dynamic 18F-FDG PET”.
Quyen also received the “Best Abstract by a Postdoctoral Fellow” for his work “Interstitial Space Properties of 18F-FDG in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”. Congratulations to both!
2022/07: IEEE MIC and TB-PET 2022 abstract acceptance
Congratulations to Siqi Li, Yansong Zhu and Yiran Wang for their conference abstracts accepted by IEEE MIC 2022 and Total-body PET 2022:
Siqi Li, GB Wang. Learning of deep kernels with pairwise attention for PET Image reconstruction. 2022 IEEE Nuclear Sciences Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS&MIC), Milan, Italy. 5-12 November 2022. Accepted for oral presentation.
Yansong Zhu, S Li, Z Xie, EK Leung, R Bayerlein, N Omidvari, SR Cherry, J Qi, RD Badawi, BA Spencer, GB Wang. PET-enabled dual-energy CT: open-source implementation and real data validation. 2022 IEEE Nuclear Sciences Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS&MIC), Milan, Italy. 5-12 November 2022. Accepted for oral presentation.
Yiran Wang, S Li, B Spencer, R Verma, M Parikh, L Nardo, RD Badawi, SR Cherry, GB Wang. Total-body PET parametric imaging using Deep Patlak: a deep-learning kinetic modeling method inspired by the Patlak plot. Total-body PET 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland. 24-26 September 2022. Accepted for oral presentation.
2022/04: SNMMI 2022 abstract acceptance
Our lab has multiple abstract submissions on PET tracer kinetic modeling accepted for oral presentation or poster presentation at SNMMI Annual Meeting 2022:
- Yiran Wang, L Nardo, BA. Spencer, Y Abdelhafez, AJ Chaudhari, RD Badawi, SR Cherry, GB Wang, Multi-organ metabolic changes in COVID-19 recovery measured with total-body dynamic 18F-FDG PET, accepted for oral presentation, SNMMI Annual Meeting 2022.
- Quyen Tran, KE Matsukuma, BA Spencer, Y Wang, E Li, MT Corwin, SR Cherry, RD Badawi, S Sarkar, GB Wang, High-temporal resolution kinetic modeling on total-body PET differentiates the hepatic interstitial space in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and healthy subjects, accepted for oral presentation, SNMMI Annual Meeting 2022.
- Yansong Zhu, Y Wang, Q Tran, RD Badawi1,2, SR Cherry, J Qi, S Abbaszadeh, GB Wang, Kernel SIME: simultaneous estimation of blood input function using a kernel method and its evaluation with total-body PET, accepted for oral presentation, SNMMI Annual Meeting 2022.
- Siqi Li, Y Wang, BA Spencer, H Hunt, T Seibert, L Nardo, SR Cherry, RD Badawi, GB Wang, Dual-energy CT bone-fraction correction for total-body PET kinetic quantification of bone marrow, accepted for poster presentation, SNMMI Annual Meeting 2022.
Student Liz Li of the Cherry Lab also has an abstract accepted for oral presentation:
- Elizabeth Li, BA Spencer, Y Abdelhafez, JE López, GB Wang, SR Cherry, Total-body perfusion imaging using [11C]-butanol, accepted for oral presentation, SNMMI Annual Meeting 2022.
2022/02: Siqi Li presented at SPIE Medical Imaging
Dr. Siqi Li presented his recent work on a deep kernel method for PET image reconstruction at the SPIE Medical Imaging 2022 held in San Diego. This is his first time presenting in person at an international conference in the pandemic, though he already presented three other talks virtually at IEEE-MIC 2021, SPIE Medical Imaging 2021, and Fully 3D 2021. Well done, Siqi!
2021/12: Liver Parametric PET in the News
Our Liver Parametric PET work for imaging fatty liver disease (in close collaboration with Souvik Sarkar MD and other colleagues at UC Davis Medical Center) was recently highlighted by UC Davis Health and also featured as Top Story on SNMMI SmartBrief newsletters.
UC Davis Health Newsroom: New PET imaging-based tool detects liver inflammation from fatty liver disease
SNMMI SmartBrief: PET-based tool detects liver inflammation in NAFLD