
Preprints or Submissions:

Journal Papers:

  1. Li S, Abdelhafez YG, Nardo L, Cherry SR, Badawi RD, Wang GB.
    Total-body parametric imaging using relative Patlak plot.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine
    , accepted, January 2025.
    [Preprint: arXiv:2406.09720;]
  2. Zhu Y, Li S, Xie Z, Leung EK, Bayerlein R, Omidvari N, Abdelhafez YG, Cherry SR, Qi J, Badawi RD, Spencer BA, Wang GB.
    Feasibility of PET-enabled dual-energy CT imaging: First physical phantom and initial patient study results.
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, in press, 2024.
    [Preprint arXiv 2402.02091]
    arXiv:2402.02091. 3 Feb 2024.
  3. Romeo S, Chan C, Matsukuma K, Corwin MT, Lyo V, Chen S, Wang GB, Sarkar S.
    Positron emission tomography combined with serum biomarkers detects fibrotic MASH.
    Scientific Reports, 14: 21939, 2024.
  4. Fraum TJ, Sari H, Dias AH, Munk OL, Pyka T, Smith AM,  Mawlawi OR, Laforest R, Wang GB.
    Whole-Body Multiparametric PET in Clinical Oncology: Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities.
    American Journal of Roentgenology, August 2024.
  5. Abdelhafez YG, Wang GB, Li S, Pellegrinelli V, Chaudhari AJ, Ramirez A, Sen F, Vidal-Puig A, Sidossis LS, Klein S, Badawi RD, Chondronikola M.
    The role of brown adipose tissue in branched-chain amino acid clearance in people.
    iScience, 27(8): 110559, 2024.
  6. Li S, Zhu Y, Spencer BA, Wang GB.
    Single-subject deep-learning image reconstruction with a neural optimization transfer algorithm for PET-enabled dual-energy CT imaging.
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 33: 4075 – 4089, 2024.
    [Preprint: arXiv:2310.03287.]
  7. Omidvari N, Levi J, Abdelhafez YG, Wang Y, Nardo L, Daly ME, Wang GB, and Cherry SR.
    Total-body Dynamic Imaging and Kinetic Modeling of [18F]F-AraG in Healthy Individuals and a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Undergoing Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 65(9):1481-1488, 2024.
    [medRxiv preprint, 2023 Nov 1:2023.09.22.23295860. doi: 10.1101/2023.09.22.23295860.]
  8. Zhu Y, Tran Q, Wang Y, Badawi RD, Cherry SR, Qi J, Abbaszadeh S, Wang GB.
    Optimization-derived blood input function using a kernel method and its evaluation with total-body PET for brain parametric imaging.
    NeuroImage, 293: 120611, June 2024.
  9. Wang Y, Abdelhafez YG, Spencer BA, Verma R, Parikh M, Stollenwerk N, Nardo L, Jones T, Badawi RD, Cherry SR, and Wang GB.
    High-Temporal Resolution Kinetic Modeling of Lung Tumors with Dual-Blood Input Function Using Total-Body Dynamic PET.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 65 (5) 714-721, 2024.
  10. Bousse A, Sundar Kandarpa VS, Rit S, Perelli A, Li M, Wang GB, Zhou J, Wang G.
    Systematic Review on Learning-based Spectral CT.
    IEEE Transactions on Radiation in Plasma and Medical Sciences, 8(2): 113 – 137, 2024.
    [arXiv preprint 2304.07588].
  11. Volpi T, Maccioni L, Colpo M, Debiasi G, Capotosti A, Ciceri T, Carson RE , DeLorenzo C, Hahn A,  Knudsen GM, Lammertsma AA, Price JC, Sossi V, Wang GB , Zanotti-Fregonara P, Bertoldo A and  Veronese M.
    An update on the use of image-derived input functions for human PET studies: new hopes or old illusions? 
    EJNMMI Research, volume 13, Article number: 97 (2023)
  12. Li EJ, López JE, Spencer BA, Abdelhafez YA, Badawi RD, Wang GB, and Cherry SR.
    Total-Body Perfusion Imaging with [11C]-Butanol.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 64(11):1831-1838, 2023.
  13. Wang Y, Nardo L, Spencer BA, Abdelhafez Y, Li EJ, Omidvari N, Chaudhari AJ, Badawi RD, Jones T, Cherry SR, and Wang GB.
    Total-Body Multiparametric PET Quantification of 18F-FDG Delivery and Metabolism in the Study of COVID-19 Recovery.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, , 2023.
  14. Sundar LKS, Lassen MY, Gutschmayer S, Ferrara D, Calabro A, Yu J, Kluge K, Wang Y, Nardo L, Hasbak P, Kjaer A, Abdelhafez Y, Wang GB, Cherry SR, Spencer BA, Badawi RD, Beyer T, and Muzik O.
    Fully-automated, fast motion correction of dynamic whole and total-body PET/CT imaging studies.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2023.
  15. Wang Y, Spencer BA, Schmall J, Li E, Badawi RD, Jones T, Cherry SR, Wang GB.
    High-temporal resolution lung kinetic modeling using total-body dynamic PET with time delay and dispersion corrections.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2023.
  16. Li SQ, Gong K, Badawi RD, Kim EJ, Qi J, Wang GB.
    Neural KEM: A kernel method with deep coefficient prior for PET image reconstruction.
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 42(3): 785 – 796, 2023
    [Open access PDF][arXiv preprint 2201.01443, Jan. 5th, 2022] [Python/Matlab code on GitHub]
  17. Smucny J, Vlasova RM, Lesh TA, Rowland DJ, Wang GB, Chaudhari AJ, Chen S, Iosif AM, Hogrefe CE, Bennett JL, Shumann CM, Van de Water JA, Maddock RJ, Styner MA, Geschwind DH, McAllister AK, Bauman MD, Carter CS.
    Increased Striatal Presynaptic Dopamine in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Maternal Immune Activation: A Longitudinal Neurodevelopmental PET Study with Implications for Schizophrenia.
    Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 8(5): 505-513, 2023.
  18. Li SQ, Wang GB.
    Deep kernel representation for image reconstruction in PET.
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 41(11): 3029-3038, 2022.
    [arXiv preprint 2110.01174, October 4, 2021. PDF ] [Python/Matlab code on GitHub]
  19. Abdelhafez YG, Mcbride KM, Leung EK, Hunt HH, Spencer BA, Lopez JE, Atsina K, Li EJ, Wang GB, Cherry SR, Badawi RD, Sen F, Nardo L.
    Blanching Defects at the Pressure Points: Observations from Dynamic Total-Body PET/CT Studies.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 50(4): 327–334, 2022.
  20. Li EJ, Spencer BA, Schmall JP, Abdelhafez Y, Badawi RD, Wang GB, Cherry SR,
    Efficient delay correction for total-body PET kinetic modeling using pulse timing methods,
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, , 2022.
  21. Wang GB, Nardo L, Parikh M, Abdelhafez YG, Li E, Spencer BA, Qi J, Jones T, Cherry SR, Badawi RD.
    Total-body PET multiparametric imaging of cancer using a voxel-wise strategy of compartmental modeling.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, , 2022.
  22. Talouki ZA, Wang GB, Dansereau R, de Kemp RA.
    Evaluation of wavelet kernel-based PET image reconstruction.
    IEEE Transactions on Radiation in Plasma and Medical Sciences, 6(5): 564 – 573, 2022.
  23. Sarkar S, Chen S, Spencer B, Situ X, Afkarian M, Matsukuma K, Corwin MT, Wang GB.
    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis severity associates with FGF21 level and kidney glucose uptake.
    Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, 19(9): 491-497, 2021.
  24. Sarkar S, Matsukuma KE, Spencer B, Chen S, Olson KA, Badawi RD, Corwin MT, Wang GB.
    Dynamic positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging correlate of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 19(11): 2441-2443,  2021.
  25. Wang Y, Li E, Cherry SR, Wang GB.
    Total-body PET kinetic modeling and potential opportunities using deep learning.
    PET Clinics, 16(4):613-625, 2021. [PDF]
  26. Zuo Y, Lopez JE, Smith T, Foster CC, Carson RE, Badawi RD, Wang GB.
    Multiparametric Cardiac 18F-FDG PET in Humans: Pilot Comparison of FDG Delivery Rate with 82Rb Myocardial Blood Flow.
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(15): 155015, July 2021.
    [Preprint: arXiv:2010.12724]
  27. Li SQ, Wang GB.
    Modified kernel MLAA using autoencoder for PET-enabled dual-energy CT.
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379: 20200204, 2021.
    (theme issue on Synergistic Tomographic Image Reconstruction, Part 2)
    [Open Access PDF] [Preprint: arXiv:2010.07484. October 2020] [matlab code on GitHub]
  28. Feng T, Zhao Y, Shi H, Zhang X, Wang GB, Badawi RD, Price PM, Cherry SR, and Jones T.
    Total-body quantitative parametric imaging of early kinetics of FDG,
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 62 (5) 738-744, 2021.
  29. Qi J, Matej S, Wang GB, Zhang XZ.
    3D/4D reconstruction and quantitative total body imaging.
    PET Clinics, 16(1): 41-54, 2021.
  30. Wang GB.
    PET-enabled Dual-Energy CT: Image Reconstruction and A Proof-of-Concept Computer Simulation Study.
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, 65(24): 245028, 2020
    [Preprint: arXiv:2008.09755. August 2020.] [matlab code: see /demo/demo_kmlaa.m in the KER_v0.3 package]
  31. Zuo Y, Badawi RD, Foster CC, Smith T, López JE, Wang GB.
    Multiparametric cardiac 18F-FDG PET in humans: kinetic model selection and identifiability analysis.
    IEEE Transactions on Radiation in Plasma and Medical Sciences, 4(6): 759 – 767, 2020.
    [Preprint: arXiv:2008.05099. August 2020.]
  32. Wang GB, Rahmim A, Gunn RN.
    PET Parametric Imaging: Past, Present, and Future.
    IEEE Transactions on Radiation in Plasma and Medical Sciences, 4(6): 663 – 675, 2020.
  33. Zhang X, Xie Z, Berg E, Judenhofer MS, Liu W, Xu T, Ding Y, Lv Y, Dong Y, Deng Z, Tang S, Shi H, Hu P, Chen S, Bao J, Li H, Zhou J, Wang GB, Cherry SR, Badawi RD, Qi J.
    Total-body dynamic reconstruction and parametric imaging on the uEXPLORER.
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 61(2):285-291, 2020.
  34. Zuo Y, Sarkar S, Corwin MT, Olson K, Badawi RD, Wang GB.
    Structural and practical identifiability of dual-input kinetic modeling in dynamic PET of liver inflammation.
    Physics in Medicine and Biology,  64(17): 175023 (18pp),  2019.
    [bioRxiv preprint, November 2018]
  35. Wang GB.
    High temporal-resolution dynamic PET image reconstruction using a new spatiotemporal kernel method.
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(3): 664 – 674, 2019.
    [bioRxiv preprint,  May 2018] [matlab code: see /demo/demo_stkernel.m in the KER_v0.2 package]
  36. Sarkar S, Corwin MT, Olson KA, Stewart S, Liu CH, Badawi RD, and Wang GB.
    Pilot study to diagnose non-alcoholic steatohepatitis with dynamic 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.
    American Journal of Roentgenology, 212(3): 529-537, 2019.
  37. Zuo Y, Qi J, Wang GB.
    Relative Patlak plot for dynamic PET parametric imaging without the need for early-time input function.
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(16): 165004 (12pp), 2018.
    [bioRxiv preprint, Feb. 
  38. Wang GBCorwin MTOlson KABadawi RDSarkar S.
    Dynamic PET of human liver inflammation: impact of kinetic modeling with optimization-derived dual-blood input function.
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63(15): 155004 (14pp),  2018.
    [bioRxiv preprint, Feb. 2018]. 
  39. Gong K, Cheng-Liao J, Wang GB, Chen KT, Catana C, Qi J,
    Direct Patlak reconstruction from dynamic PET data using kernel method with MRI information based on structural similarity,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(4): 955-965, 2018.
  40. Baikejiang R, Zhang W, Zhu D, Hernandez A, Shakeri S, Wang GB, Qi J, Boone J, Li C,
    Kernel-based anatomically-aided diffuse optical tomography,
    Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 3(5): 055002, 2017
  41. Hosteter CM, Hinde K, Maninger N, Mendoza SP, Mason WA, Rowland DJ, Wang GB, Kukis D, Cherry SR, Bales KL,
    Effects of pair bonding increases dopamine D1 receptors in monogamous male titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus),
    American Journal of Primatology, 79(3): e22612 1-9, 2017.
  42. Wang GB, Zhou J, Yu Z, Wang W, Qi J,
    Hybrid pre-log and post-log image reconstruction for computed tomography,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 36(12): 2457-2465, 2017.
  43. Hutchcroft W, Wang GB, Chen KT, Catana C, Qi J,
    Anatomically-aided PET reconstruction using the kernel method,
    Physics in Medicine and Biology,  61(18): 6668-6683, 2016.
    [matlab code: see /demo/demo_anatomic.m in the KER_v0.11 package]
  44. Yang L, Wang GB, Qi J,
    Theoretical analysis of penalized maximum-likelihood Patlak parametric image reconstruction in dynamic PET for lesion detection,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(4): 947-956, 2016.
  45. Wang GB, Qi J,
    Edge-preserving PET image reconstruction using trust optimization transfer,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 34(4): 930-939, 2015.
    [matlab code: see /demo/demo_eml_trustot.m in the PLOT package]
  46. Wang GB, Qi J,
    PET image reconstruction using kernel method,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 34(1): 61-71, 2015.
    [matlab code: see /demo/demo_dynamic.m in the KER_v0.11 package]
  47. Wang GB, Qi J,
    Direct estimation of kinetic parametric images for dynamic PET,
    Theranostics, 3(10): 802-815 , 2013. [PDF] [matlab code: see test_*.m in the DIRECT package]
  48. Wang GB, Qi J,
    Penalized likelihood PET image reconstruction using patch-based edge-preserving regularization,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 31(12): 2194-2204, 2012.
    [matlab code: see /demo/demo_eml_patch.m in the PLOT package]
  49. Wang GB, Qi J,
    An optimization transfer algorithm for nonlinear parametric image reconstruction from dynamic PET data,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 31(10): 1977-1988, 2012.
    [matlab code: see test_otem.m in the DIRECT package]
  50. Wang GB, Qi J,
    Acceleration of direct reconstruction of linear parametric images using nested algorithms,
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55(5): 1505-1517, 2010.
  51. Wang GB, Qi J,
    Generalized algorithms for direct reconstruction of parametric images from dynamic PET data,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 28(11): 1717-1726, 2009.
    [matlab code: see test_otsp.m in the DIRECT package]
  52. Wang GB, Qi J,
    Analysis of penalized likelihood image reconstruction for dynamic PET quantification,
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 28(4):608-620, 2009.
  53. Li CQ, Wang GB, Qi J, Cherry SR,
    Three dimensional fluorescence optical tomography in small-animal imaging using simultaneous positron emission tomography priors,
    Optics Letters, 34(19): 2933-2935, 2009.
  54. Wang GB, Schultz LJ, Qi J,
    Statistical image reconstruction for muon tomography using a Gaussian scale mixture model,
    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 56(4): 2480-2486, 2009.
  55. Wang GB, Schultz LJ, Qi J,
    Bayesian image reconstruction for improving detection performance of muon tomography,
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 18(5): 1080-1089, 2009.
  56. Wang GB, Fu J, Qi J,
    Maximum a posteriori reconstruction of Patlak parametric image from sinograms in dynamic PET,
    Physics in Medicine and Biology 53(2): 593-604, 2008.
  57. Li Q, Wang SG, Guan BQ, Wang GB,
    A machine vision method for the measurement of vibration amplitude,
    Measurement Science and Technology 18 (5): 1477-1486, 2007.
  58. Wang SG, Guan BQ, Wang GB, Li Q,
    Measurement of sinusoidal vibration from motion blurred images,
    Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (9): 1029-1040, 2007.
  59. Wang GB, Wang SG,
    Recursive computation of Tchebichef moment and its inverse transform,
    Pattern Recognition 39 (1): 47-56, 2006.
  60. Guan BQ, Wang SG, Wang GB,
    A biologically inspired method for estimating 2D high-speed translational motion,
    Pattern Recognition Letters 26 (15): 2450-2462, 2005.
  61. Wang GB, Wang SG,
    Parallel recursive computation of the inverse Legendre moment transforms for signal and image reconstruction,
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters 11 (12): 929-932, 2004.
  62. Wang GB, Wang SG, Xu W,
    On using flexure-hinge five-bar linkages to develop novel walking mechanisms and small-scale grippers for microrobots,
    Journal of Robotic Systems 21 (10): 531-538, 2004.
  63. Wang GB, Wang SG, Yu XR, Wang AL,
    Vision measurement for amplitude of high frequency vibration,
    Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (in Chinese) 40(4): 85-88, 2004.

Recent Conference Papers & Abstracts

  1. Li SQ, Wang GB. Kernel MLAA Using Autoencoder for PET-enabled Dual-Energy CT. 16th Virtual International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction, Leuven Belgium, July 2021.
  2. Wang GB, Nardo L, Parikh M, Lara P, Spencer BA, Qi J, Foster C, Cherry SR and Badawi RD. Simultaneous Imaging of Cancer and Heart Using Total-Body Multiparametric PET on EXPLORER. Journal of Nuclear Medicine May 2021, 62 (supplement 1) 1447 (Virtual SNMMI 2021 Annual Meeting)
  3. Li SQ, Wang GB. Neural MLAA for PET-enabled Dual-Energy CT Imaging. Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2021: Physics of Medical Imaging, 115951G (15 February 2021).
  4. Li SQ, Wang GB. Low-dose CT image denoising using parallel-clone networks. Accepted for oral presentation at IEEE NSS-MIC 2020. [Preprint: arXiv:2005.06724. May 2020]
  5. Y Zuo, RD Badawi, CC Foster, T Smith, JE Lopez, GB Wang. Multiparametric Cardiac 18F-FDG PET in Humans: Kinetic Model Selection and Parametric Imaging. IEEE NSS&MIC, November 2020. accepted for oral presentation.
  6. S Li, GB Wang. Parallel-Clone Networks for Deep-Learning Image Denoising in Low-Dose CT. IEEE NSS&MIC, November 2020. accepted for oral presentation.
  7. Y Wang, Y Zuo, BA Spencer, J Schmall, RD Badawi, SR Cherry, GB Wang. Effect of Time Delay and Dual Blood Input on Liver Kinetic Quantification Using High-Temporal Resolution Dynamic PET. IEEE NSS&MIC, November 2020. accepted for oral presentation.
  8. E Li, BA Spencer, JP Schmall, GB Wang, and SR Cherry. Pulse-timing methods for time delay estimation in dynamic total-body PET kinetic modeling. IEEE NSS&MIC, November 2020. accepted for oral presentation.
  9. Ahlquist J, Abdelhafez YG, Nardo L, Badawi RD, Qi J, Wang GB. Ultralow-Dose CT Imaging with Deep Learning Noise Reduction on the EXPLORER Total-Body PET/CT Scanner. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2020 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2020. (accepted for oral presentation)
  10. Zuo Y, Cherry SR, Badawi RD, Wang GB. Multiphase Patlak Plot Enabled by High Temporal Resolution Total-body Dynamic PET. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2020 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2020. (accepted for oral presentation)
  11. Wang Y, Cherry SR, Badawi RD, Wang GB. Effect of dual-input function and dispersion on lung FDG-PET kinetic quantification using the EXPLORER total-body PET/CT scanner. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2020 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2020. (accepted for oral presentation)
  12. Wang GB, Parikh M, Nardo L, Zuo Y, Abdelhafez YG, Qi J, Jones T, Price PM, Cherry SR, Pan CX, Badawi RD. Total-Body Dynamic PET of Metastatic Cancer: First Patient Results. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2020 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2020. (accepted for oral presentation)
  13. Li E, Cherry SR, Tarantal AF , Shi H, Chen S, Hu P, Ding Y, Hu D, Zhou P, Xu T, Wang C, Jones T, Badawi RD, Wang GB. Identification and comparison of image-derived input functions using total-body PET, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2019 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, June 22-25, 2019. (accepted for oral presentation)
  14. Wang GB, Spencer B, Sarkar S, Shi H, Chen S, Hu P, Ding Y, Hu D, Zhou P, Xu T, Wang C, Jones T, Cherry SR, Badawi RD. Quantification of Glucose Transport Using High Temporal Resolution Dynamic PET Imaging. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2019 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, June 22-25, 2019. (accepted for oral presentation)
  15. Wang GB, PET-enabled dual-energy CT: A proof-of-concept simulation study, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS-MIC), Sydney, AustraliaNov 13-17, 2018. (oral presentation)
  16. Spencer B, Sarkar S, Olson K, Corwin M, Badawi RD, Wang GB, Dual-input kinetic modeling in dynamic PET: clinical evaluation of the impact of time-of-flight imaging, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS-MIC), Sydney, AustraliaNov 13-17, 2018(poster presentation)
  17. Wang GB, Sarkar S, Kim E, Badawi RD, Time-varying kinetic modeling of high temporal-resolution dynamic 18F-FDG PET data for multiparametric imaging, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2018 Annual Meeting, June 2018. (accepted for oral presentation)
  18. Zuo Y, Qi J, Wang GB, Relative Patlak plot for dynamic PET parametric imaging without the need for early-time input function, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2018 Annual Meeting, June 2018. (accepted for poster presentation)
  19. Wang GB, Badawi RD, Smith TW, Lopez JE, Association of 18F-FDG kinetic parameters with blood flow by 15O-water PET in the myocardium, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2018 Annual Meeting, June 2018. (accepted for poster presentation)
  20. S Sarkar, M Corwin, K Olson, S Stewart, C Johnson, R Badawi, and GB Wang, 4D dynamic FDG-PET to detect hepatic inflammation and steatosis in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, Hepatology (Special Issue: The 68th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases), Vol 66, Issue S1 (supplement), pp. 107A-108A, 2017.
  21. B Spencer, GB Wang, Statistical image reconstruction for shortened dynamic PET using a dual kernel method, Proceedings of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, October 2017, Atlanta, Georgia.
  22. Wang GB, High temporal-resolution dynamic PET image reconstruction using a new spatiotemporal kernel method, Proceedings of International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully 3D),  pp. 805-809, 2017.
  23. BA Spencer, A Sahabi, A Ferrero, M Rusnak, H Hunt, A Lee, S Sarkar, E Kim, J Qi, RD Badawi, and GB Wang, Association of image-derived blood input function with patient characteristics in dynamic FDG-PET: a pilot study, Journal of Nuclear Medicine (2017 SNMMI Annual Meeting) , vol. 58, no. supplement 1 1315, 2017.
  24. GB Wang, RD Badawi, D Seaters, DT Caudle, BA Spencer, P Slomka, BE Mumma, Correlation of quantitative features of stress myocardial blood flow with global rest myocardial blood flow and flow reserve in dynamic Rb-82 PET/CT, Journal of Nuclear Medicine (2017 SNMMI Annual Meeting) , vol. 58, no. supplement 1 232, 2017.
  25. GB Wang, M Corwin, K Olson, S Stewart, C Zha, R Badawi, and S Sarkar, Dynamic FDG-PET study of liver inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Journal of Hepatology (52nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver), Volume 66, Issue 1, Supplement, Page S592, 2017.
  26. K Gong, GB Wang, KT Chen, C Catana, and J Qi, Nonlinear PET parametric image reconstruction with MRI information using kernel method, Proceedings of 2017 SPIE: Physics of Medical Imaging, 101321G (March 9, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2254273.
  27. BA Spencer, J Qi, RD Badawi, and GB Wang, Dynamic PET Image reconstruction for parametric imaging using the HYPR kernel method, Proceedings of 2017 SPIE: Physics of Medical Imaging, 101324W (March 9, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2254497.