2024/04: Yiran Wang Received JNM’s Alavi-Mandell Award

By | April 11, 2024

Dr. Yiran Wang (who is now a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF) received the Alavi-Mandell Award from the Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) for his two JNM papers in 2023:

Wang Y, Spencer BA, Schmall J, Li E, Badawi RD, Jones T, Cherry SR, Wang GB. High-temporal resolution lung kinetic modeling using total-body dynamic PET with time delay and dispersion corrections. Journal of Nuclear Medicine2023.

Wang Y, Nardo L, Spencer BA, Abdelhafez Y, Li EJ, Omidvari N, Chaudhari AJ, Badawi RD, Jones T, Cherry SR, and Wang GB. Total-Body Multiparametric PET Quantification of 18F-FDG Delivery and Metabolism in the Study of COVID-19 Recovery. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2023.

The award is given to individuals who were the first author of a paper published in the JNM, were trainees at the time the published work was carried out, and made a major contribution to the completion of the work. The aim is to encourage young physicians and scientists to pursue a career in academic and research in nuclear medicine.